minecraft forums modloadermp 1.2.5

minecraft forums modloadermp 1.2.5
[1.3.2] SDK's Mods [v1] *Aug 18th ModLoaderMP Updated - Minecraft.
Done converting to 1.2.5 for the client you need to install minecraft forge not on the server!! and of course modloader mp, and for the client also.

minecraft forums modloadermp 1.2.5
[1.2.4][SMP] SiegeCraft 2.8b !! With ModloaderMp and Forge.
The forum says this is for 1.2.5 but when I run it it brings the error screen. if you learned to read youll notice that its only the modloader mp stuff.
[INFO] Mod Initialized: mod_FlatMod 1.2.5 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version. handleModCheckResponse(ModLoaderMp.java:400) at.
So I followed the order using the 1.2.4 minecraft client release. Installed. Installed modloaderMP for 1.2.4 .. Please Update to Minecraft 1.2.5.
[1.3.2] SDK's Mods [v1] *Aug 18th ModLoaderMP Updated - Minecraft.
[1.3.2] SDK's Mods [v1] *Aug 18th ModLoaderMP Updated - Minecraft.
The forum says this is for 1.2.5 but when I run it it brings the error screen. if you learned to read youll notice that its only the modloader mp stuff.
[INFO] Mod Initialized: mod_FlatMod 1.2.5 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version. handleModCheckResponse(ModLoaderMp.java:400) at.
ModLoaderMP Minecraft - Download.
ModLoaderMp Minecraft 1.2.5 | Minecraft: Texture Packs, Mods.
[1.3.2] SDK's Mods [v1] *Aug 18th ModLoaderMP Updated - Minecraft.